Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Vegan Pumpkin Bread

I dabbled in the cake business for about a year when my youngest was tiny.  Tired doesn't begin to describe how I felt after baking 300 cupcakes in one day only to stand all day the next selling them all.  It was a delight to see the happy faces of the customers, but whew, it wore me out.  Orders began coming in and I just could not stay on top of them.  10 years ago I would have said that baking at home all day would be my dream job.  10 years ago I was much younger and was able to sleep most nights without someone interupting my slumber to tell me that their foot itched or that the shadow on the wall looked like an alligator. 10 years ago I did not realise how much energy two little munchkins can zap from you. So, turning my love of baking into a business was not exactly how I imagined. I had also thought that by baking for others, I would be less likely to eat so much. I'd have a reason to bake other than to stuff my gob. Nah, that didn't work either. I felt compelled to quality control everything and the weight started to pile on. A break from baking was needed. Quickly.

All of the baking for money malarky wasn't all bad. It opened my eyes to the world of other types of dietary needs. Gluten-free baking, vegan baking, eggless baking, etc. Although none of these apply to me, I thought that I'd need an assortment of baked goods for those in that market.  I began exploring new recipes and I was very impressed with the possibilities.  My collection of good gluten-free recipes is still limited, so I am always on the lookout for more of them.  However, I do have a fantastic vegan cake recipe for you today. And you won't miss the eggs one bit. In fact, you'll be pleased you don't need to go out and buy any.

You will soon learn that I have a love of baking with pumpkin.  I do not, however, love pumpkin pie. But a cake, a cookie, pancakes, and even a scone with pumpkin. Delicious.
This recipe is from one of my favourite food bloggers, Joy the Baker. Not only is her blog beautiful and her writing hilarious, her recipes are devine. I've never made anything from her blog that I didn't like.  She's so good, she has recently released her first cookbook and it's available here in the UK! Her blog has a few other pumpkin and vegan recipes too. I won't bother rewriting her recipe. I want you to visit her blog and have a looky. I promise you'll love Joy the Baker. I want to be her best friend.

Here's her lovely Vegan Walnut Pumpkin Bread.  Instead of making into two loaves, I made it into a bundt. I love me a bundt! I left out the walnuts too, but you can do what you'd like.  If you have never found tinned pumpkin in the supermarket, try Waitrose or Ocado. I normally keep a stock in my pantry so I can have pumpkin yumminess whenever I like.


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